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English-Hindi > dirty old man

dirty old man meaning in Hindi

dirty old man sentence in Hindi
कामुक बूढ़ा
dirty    गंदा होना नीचअ
old    बुजुर्ग उम्र का
old man    बूढा आदमी दोस्त
man    तुम नर नौकर पति
1."Dirty old men only account for maybe 5 percent, " he said.

2.The U . K . is the dirty old man of Europe.

3.Brundage, she said, was " a dictator and a dirty old man ."

4.In this respect, one might believe it were targeted at dirty old men.

5.He played a dirty old man in the promotional video for " Woolworth's.

6."D . O . M . " is " Dirty Old Men ."

7.Coppelius, as even implied in some traditional versions, is a dirty old man.

8.The idea of Picasso as a dirty old man prevailed.

9.His reputation as the dirty old man of Delhi is undeserved, his friends say.

10.He lowers his voice and confides, " Amos is a dirty old man ."

  More sentences:  1  2  3  4  5
a middle-aged man with lecherous inclinations

How to say dirty old man in Hindi and what is the meaning of dirty old man in Hindi? dirty old man Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.